The Fair Work Commission has extended access to schedule X for employees in many awards until the 29th March 2021.
Schedule X is a temporary schedule that gives employees:
- 2 weeks of unpaid pandemic leave
- The ability to take twice as much annual leave at half their normal pay if their employer agrees
Here is a list of awards with unpaid pandemic leave and their new end dates:
Schedule X end date of 29th March 2021
Airline Operations - Ground Staff Award
Air Pilots Award
Airport Employees Award
Alpine Resorts Award
Aluminium Industry Award
Amusement, Events and Recreation Award
Animal Care and Veterinary Services Award
Aquaculture Industry Award
Architects Award
Asphalt Industry Award
Banking, Finance and Insurance Award
Broadcasting, Recorded Entertainment and Cinemas Award
Building and Construction Award
Business Equipment Award
Car Parking Award
Cement, Lime and Quarrying Award
Cemetery Industry Award
Children's Services Award
Cleaning Services Award
Commercial Sales Award
Contract Call Centres Award
Corrections and Detention (Private Sector) Award
Cotton Ginning Award
Dry Cleaning and Laundry Industry Award
Educational Services (Post-Secondary Education) Award
Fast Food Industry Award
Fitness Industry Award
Food, Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Award
Funeral Industry Award
Gardening and Landscaping Services Award
Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award
Hair and Beauty Industry Award
Higher Education Industry – General Staff – Award
Horse and Greyhound Training Award
Hospitality Industry (General) Award
Horticulture Award
Joinery Award
Journalists Published Media Award
Labour Market Assistance Award
Legal Services Award
Local Government Industry Award
Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award
Meat Industry Award
Miscellaneous Award
Mobile Crane Award
Nursery Award
Pastoral Award
Pest Control Industry Award
Pharmaceutical Industry Award
Poultry Processing Award
Premixed Concrete Award
Professional Diving Industry (Recreational) Award
Professional Employees Award
Racing Clubs Events Award
Racing Industry Ground Maintenance Award
Rail Industry Award
Registered and Licensed Clubs Award
Restaurant Industry Award
General Retail Industry Award
Salt Industry Award
Seafood Processing Award
Security Services Industry Award
Silviculture Award
State Government Agencies Award
Storage Services and Wholesale Award
Sugar Industry Award
Surveying Award
Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Associated Industries Award
Timber Industry Award
Vehicle Repair, Service and Retail Award
Waste Management Award
Water Industry Award
Wine Industry Award
Wool Storage, Sampling and Testing Award
The Live Performance Award has been extended until the 30th June 2021.
The below awards have Schedule X extended until further order of the Commission:
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Award
Aged Care Award
Ambulance and Patient Transport Industry Award
Health Professionals and Support Services Award
Medical Practitioners Award
Nurses Award
Pharmacy Industry Award
Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award
Supported Employment Services Award